News Agency:News
UK Ambassador to Tehran was summoned over Oil Supertanker Seizure
British Ambassador to Tehran Robert Macaire was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday evening, July 4, 2019, in protest at the seizure of an oil tanker carrying the Islamic Republic of Iran’s oil.
British Ambassador to Tehran Robert Macaire was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday evening, July 4, 2019, in protest at the seizure of an oil tanker carrying the Islamic Republic of Iran’s oil As the ambassador appeared before the Foreign Ministry, Director of the Third Department of Western Europe described the UK move as unacceptable, and called for the immediate release of the oil tanker, given that it has been seized at the request of the US based on the information currently available Pointing to the fact that the oil tanker was sailing in the international waters, the Iranian diplomat described the UK Navy’s measure as being tantamount to maritime banditry, and stressed that Britain has no right to impose its own unilateral sanctions or those of the European Union in an extraterritorial manner against the other countries This is the very bullying policy of the US, about which the European countries have been always protesting, he added In the meeting, the UK ambassador was provided with the documentation about the oil tanker and its cargo indicating the ship’s completely legal movement It was also emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran will be employing all its political and legal capacities to secure the release of the vessel and uphold its rights The UK ambassador said he will immediately convey the protest to London, stressing that the UK does not follow the unilateral US sanctions against Iran
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